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page. Cemetery rules are strictly enforced.
The Rules Board is located along the upper road on the front garage wall.
Cemetery hours signs are located at the entrance to the lower and middle roads.
While plot deeds also recite the cemetery rules, older deeds will not have
the current rules. Please call or email questions if in doubt.
It is our desire to keep the cemetery accessible during daylight hours. If
illegal dumping on cemetery grounds, access for inappropriate meeting and/or
flagrant use of the sacred grounds for recreational purposes or consumption of
alcohol is found to occur, access will be limited to restricted hours only when a
guard is on duty. The cemetery grounds are randomly monitored with
Fireworks and fire arms are never permitted
on cemetery property except for authorized military services.
Benches may be placed at certain locations
on the perimeter of the cemetery grounds. However, a request to place a
bench must first be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
Forks Cemetery permits tomb stones that
rise above ground level and in a designated area, tombstones, plaques or markers
that are flush with ground level. Please refrain from creating a shrine
comprised of personal items in lieu of an approved tombstone or marker.
Most cemeteries permit only permanent markers. If
requests to remove personal items are ignored, cemetery workers will remove and
save the items.
During late Winter or early Spring, the
cemetery will advertise in church bulletins and the Nazareth Key a date by which seasonal grave blankets or
decorations should be removed if you wish to save them. This date
typically falls 2 weeks prior to the earlier of Easter Sunday or the beginning
of the mowing season.
A new section, approximately 1 acre in size, is located to the southwest
of the main cemetery. When entering on the lower road from Sullivan Trail,
proceed to the end of the macadam road. You will note the "old grave
yard" to your left. Continue southwest into the new section.